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Friday, April 9, 2021

What's the "Best" TPMS

 No I don't want to start a fight. Probably everyone that already has a TPMS will say that what they have is the best.

I would prefer to identify the features that I think are important and then let the customer do the shopping because there is no way to predict what the sale price will be next week or what new brand or model TPM will hit the market next month.

Here is my list of Features:

Key features for me would be (sort of in order. but as they say Your mileage may vary)
1. Ability to set the low pressure alarm level and not have to change other pressure levels.
2. Lifetime warranty
3. Ability to set the high pressure level and not have to change other pressure levels.
4 Ability to set the high temperature level to 158F (70C) if it is not already set to that level.
5. Include a signal "repeater" or booster
6 Ability to add 1 to 9 more sensors in the future if needed (+1 more for a spare, + 2 or 4 more if you move the system to one with more tires, +4 if you want to monitor your toad.) This avoids the need to buy a new system in the future when you only need additional sensors.



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